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Superman: World of New Krypton #8 (of 12)
CBR | Oct 7, 2009 | 22 Pages | 25.9 MB
On a mission in space, Superman and his fellow Kryptonians encounter the might of the Thanagarian Army. Can Superman keep things peaceful between the two races – or will The Man of Steel discover that Hawkman's legendary temper is shared by all his people? Written by James Robinson and Greg Rucka; Art by Pete Woods and Ron Randall; Cover by Gary Frank
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Batman and Robin #5
CBR | Oct 7, 2009 | 26 Pages | 12.7 MB
Written by Grant Morrison; Art and variant cover by Philip Tan and Jonathan Glapion ; Cover by Frank Quitely
Are two Dynamic Duos too much for one city? Batman and Robin find themselves at cross-purposes with Red Hood and Scarlet. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? And who will end up being the chosen protectors of Gotham City?
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Witchfinder: In The Service of Angels #4 (of 5)
CBZ | Oct 7, 2009 | 7 Pages | 19.2 MB
A horrific monster rampages through the streets of Victorian London, but not everyone wants to see the menace dead. The Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra wishes to capture the creature for their own dark purposes, and if Edward Grey is to have any hope of killing the beast before it falls into their hands, he’ll have to seek aid in the most unlikely of places -- a lunatic asylum! Writer: Mike Mignola; Artist: Ben Stenbeck
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Crossed #7 (of 9)
CBR | Oct 7, 2009 | 25 Pages | 18.4 MB
The most horrific series of the year continues! Garth Ennis takes no prisoners and offers no hope in the most intense book of his career! This issue will shock you and haunt your every moment as Cindy's rag-tag group of survivors are put through the worst kind of torture you can imagine. Nothing is going right, but this is no fairy tale - there are no magic cures on the horizon.
When civilization crumbles in one terrifying moment; when people are gleefully breaking into unthinkable acts of violence all around you; when everyone you love has died screaming in agony: What do you do? There is no help. There is no hope. There is no escape. There are only the Crossed.
This stomach-churning vision is brought to vivid (and more than a little disturbing) life by his partner in crime Jacen Burrows.
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Fantastic Four Adventures Giant Size #1 (One-Shot)
CBZ | Jun 24, 2009 | 45 Pages | 29.9 MB
I, PAPARAZZI: It begins innocently enough with tabloid photos of Reed and Sue on the beach, then Johnny out on the town, and then some rather unkind photos of Ben Grimm devouring every last hot dog and salted pretzel from a street cart vendor, but when the secret laboratories and inner recesses of the Baxter Building start appearing on the cover of the new Superhero Trumpet tabloid, the FF are forced into questioning how and when these photos are being taken. And what do Egghead and his 70 foot tall friend, Gargantua have to do with it? A lot, really. And so do the Invincible Man, Psycho-Man, Basilisk, Cobalt Man, Xeron the Star Slayer, the Terror Birds and a host of other bad guys aiming to take down the World's Greatest Fighting Family by any means necessary! Plus, artist Colleen Coover helps bring you Sue Storm's essay, "The Importance of Being Invisible." One-Shot. WRITER: Paul Tobin; PENCILS: Colleen Coover; INKS: David Hahn; COVER BY: David Williams
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Captain America Comics 70th Anniversary Special #1 (One-Shot)
CBR | Apr 1, 2009 | 50 Pages | 37.7 MB
Leading off a series of celebratory specials commemorating Marvel’s 70th Anniversary, James (STARMAN, SUPERMAN)
Robinson and Marcos (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN) Martin bring you an untold story of the living legend. In the days before he becomes Captain America, a scrawny kid from Brooklyn named Steve Rogers shows the world that you don’t need a super-soldier serum to be a hero. Plus a classic Captain America tale from the Golden Age by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby. One-Shot/All-New & Reprints. WRITER: JAMES ROBINSON; PENCILS: MARCOS MARTIN; INKS: MARCOS MARTIN; COLORED BY: JAVIER RODRIGUEZ; LETTERED BY: VC; COVER BY: MARCOS MARTIN
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Human Torch Comics 70th Anniversary Special #1 (One-Shot)
CBZ | May 6, 2009 | 43 Pages | 36.6MB
Before he became the hero he was created to be, the original Human Torch had to battle his inner demons to stake a claim on the soul he knows he has…and his enemies will stop at nothing to tear him apart to get at the city they want to control. Can he learn to tap into the human side of the Torch, or must he sacrifice himself to save the people he has sworn to protect in this al-new 22 page story? Also included is a bonus 10 page Torch tale from Marvel’s rich history! WRITER: SCOTT SNYDER; PENCILS: SCOTT WEGENER; COVER BY: ADI GRANOV
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Justice League of America 80 Page Giant #1 (One-Shot Special)
CBR | Nov 2009 | 72 Pages | 55.6 MB
With a tale this massive, we could only fit it in an 80-page giant! When a battle between Epoch and the Time Commander spills over into our era, the Justice League finds itself scattered throughout time. That leaves Superman and Dr. Light fighting alongside a tornado-powered Samurai, Green Lantern and Red Arrow locked in a showdown with Cinnamon in the Old West, Green Arrow and Firestorm facing the Bride of Frankenstein in WWII, John Stewart and Vixen drawing swords alongside the Shining Knight, and Black Canary and Zatanna evading gangsters with the original Crimson Avenger! Reintroducing the classic, extra-sized issues for a whole new generation, this special issue features the writing of TV’s Chuck Kim (Heroes) and Rich Fogel (Batman Beyond, Justice League) along with writer Joshua Williamson (Dear Dracula) and artists such as Mahmud Asrar (Dynamo 5) and Adrian Syaf (BLACKEST NIGHT: BATMAN)!
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Hack/Slash: The Series #26
CBR | Nov 2009 | 34 Pages (2 Covers) | 16.8 MB
Cassie and Vlad make their way into the Cedar Island Reserve, only to find they’ve entered the hunting ground of something that isn’t quite natural! Our heroes are used to taking on one slasher at a time… how will they stand up to hundreds of monsters?! Also, Chris deals with last issue’s terrifying revelation, and a new villain plots destruction at a bar in Chicago!
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MAD Magazine #501
CBR | Aug 12 2009 | 49 Pages | 37.0 MB
Times are tough and it seems like everyone's cutting back – but our latest issue is FULL of great crap! We mock the latest iPhone apps, Twitter,, Geico, Rock Band, Star Trek, ShamWow, Michael Jackson AND we even throw in a full-blown spoof of Harry Potter! All this, plus The Fold-in, The Fundalini Pages, The MAD Strip Club and TWO Spy Vs. Spy adventures! There are also awesome NEW features, The MAD Quarterly Report, The MAD Vault and the All-New What the Heck is the Difference? So stop reading this and go buy a copy - consider it your comedic stimulus package!
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Bad Boy by Frank Miller and Simon Bisley
41 pages | CBR | English | 16.5 MB
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Halloween (One-Shot)
Scénario & Dessin : Olivier Boiscommun | 1998 | Conte fantastique | PDF | French | 12.7 MB
Halloween est un livre pour les petits et les grands. Une histoire pleine de poésie et d'émotions, qui vous transporte comme un songe, au gré de ses images. Un conte tout en rimes, pour fêter les morts et apprécier la vie.
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Cyberforce/Hunter-Killer #1 (of 5)
CBR | Jul 22, 2009 | 29.1 MB
Top Cow’s technology based teams collide in a critical crossover event that will have everyone talking this summer! The Hunter-Killer team’s directive to hunt down and detain rogue Ultra-Sapiens brings them head to head with the Cyberforce team in a brutal showdown that leaves more than one member bleeding. But who is manipulating these two teams into conflict and to what end? The team of writer and Hunter-Killer co-creator Mark Waid (Amazing Spider-Man, Irredeemable) and artist Kenneth Rocafort (Astonishing Tales, Madame Mirage) bring you a crossover filled with epic action, intrigue, lies, and betrayal.
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Blackest Night. Limited Series #3 (of 8)
27 pages | PDF | English | 18.1 MB
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Manuel des Confesseurs et Krafft Ebing
J.M. Lo Duca | French | JPEG+PDF | 141.2 MB
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Marvel Mystery Handbook 70th Anniversary Special #1 (One-Shot)
CBZ | Sep 30, 2009 | 68 Pages | 62.6 MB
As the Marvel Universe celebrates 70 years of the world's greatest comics, journey back to where it all began -- OFFICIAL HANDBOOK OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE style! Featuring the greatest characters of Marvel's first year -- a year that not only gave us the Sub-Mariner, the Human Torch, the Angel and Ka-Zar, but also THE TWELVE's Black Widow, Phantom Bullet, Electro, Mister E, Dynamic Man, Phantom Reporter, Fiery Mask, Master Mind Excello and Laughing Mask! Also featuring a host of oddities from Fletcher Hanks' Whirlwind Carter to Taxi Taylor! Plus: an introduction by Timely comics scholar Dr. Michael J. Vassallo! WRITERS: Michael Hoskin, Ronald Byrd, Anthony Flamini, Stuart Vandal, Kevin Garcia, Jacob Rougemont, David Wiltfong, Sean McQuaid; PENCILS: Mitch Breitweiser; COVER BY: Mitch Breitweiser
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Shang-Chi: Master of Kung Fu One-Shot #1
CBR | Sep 30, 2009 | 50 Pages | 30.4 MB
Shang-Chi is a Marvel Comics character, often called the "Master of Kung Fu". He was created by writer Steve Englehart and artist Jim Starlin when Marvel Comics acquired the comic book rights to Sax Rohmer's pulp novel villain Dr. Fu Manchu while they also held the rights to the Kung Fu television program. He has no special superpowers, but he exhibits extraordinary skills in the martial arts and is a master of Wushu. Some editors are indeed fond of the black-and-white glory days of Marvel so they came up with this b & w one-shot special, with the title character sharing the cover with Deadpool. That alone will give you an idea. IGN Comics reviewer Jesse Schedeen gave this one a great 8.7 rating. Btw the title of this post is the title as it appears in the credits of the comic book itself.
It’s DEADPOOL versus SHANG-CHI, the peerless Master of Kung-Fu, in a KUNG-FU MOTORCYCLE RACE! You won’t believe your eyes when you read this all-new, all-action, all-black-and-white one shot in the spirit of the Mighty Marvel Magazines of yore, but ALL-NOW in style! The kung-fu fighting never lets up for a moment over these four stories by some of Marvel’s hottest writers, including a prose tale by DARK TOWER’s Robin Furth! If you like your comics bold—this is for you!
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